Updates for Private Candidates

NOTE: Registration for the 2024 GCE-Level examinations has ended. We are not able to accept late registrations as the downstream processing of all examination entries has started.

If you wish to register for the GCE-Level examinations, the next time you can do is in 2025. You can obtain more information on the 2025 Private Candidates' Registration Exercise, including the registration procedures and timelines, from our website around March 2025.

Information regarding entry proofs, subject amendments and withdrawals for the 2024 GCE-Level examinations can be found below.

Entry Proofs

Entry Proofs for Mid-Year and Year-End Examinations

The dates of release of the GCE-Level entry proofs (EPs) are found in the important dates for candidates.

You will be posted to different examination centres for the different Mode of Assessment (MOA) examinations i.e. Oral, Science Practical, Written examinations. As such, it is important to check your Entry Proof before the examinations.

You may refer to the Candidates Portal's guide on examination registration for the steps to retrieve your EPs from the system.

You are required to bring a hardcopy EP for your examinations, as it will be used for attendance verification.

Science Practical Notifications

Details regarding your assigned examination centres and reporting times for your Science practical examinations will be found in the Science practical notifications.

These notifications are available for download from Candidates Portal, 7 days before each of your Science practical examinations. You will receive an email notification. Please ensure that your email address is valid.

Please contact SEAB if you have not received the notifications by the above-mentioned timeline.

Subject Amendments

All amendments of Year-End subjects must be made through Candidates Portal by Friday, 21 June 2024, 11:00pm. We do not accept amendment requests via email or call.

No additional fees for amendments will be levied if:

  • you have not paid your examination fees online; and
  • the amendments are made before the end of the registration period.

If you would like to amend your registered Year-End subjects after payment has been made or after the registration deadline of Friday, 31 May 2024, 11:00pm, you will need to pay an amendment fee of $21.80 (inclusive of GST) per amendment request, in addition to the fee for each of your added subjects. The fees for the added subjects are inclusive of GST.

You will receive a refund of the fees for any Year-End subjects that you have removed if your request is submitted by 21 June 2024.

If you have any enquiries, you can write to us through this form.


All applications for withdrawals must be made through Candidates Portal by 2 September 2024, 11:00pm. Withdrawal requests made after 2 September 2024, 11:00pm will not be considered and candidates will receive absent grade(s) for the subjects they did not sit for.

Withdrawal with refund of the subject fees

a) A 50% refund of the subject fee(s) paid may be provided if your withdrawal request is submitted to SEAB by 21 June 2024, 11:00pm and you have not sat for any component of the registered subjects that you are withdrawing from. Refunds are not provided for withdrawal requests made after 21 June 2024, 11:00pm.

b) For candidates who have been admitted to a tertiary institution and wish to withdraw your registration, a 100% refund of the subject fee(s) paid may be provided if your withdrawal request is submitted through the Candidates Portal with the supporting documents confirming your tertiary admission, by 21 June 2024, 11:00pm

You will receive your refund approximately one month after your withdrawal request has been approved by SEAB. Please note that any late registration fee and subject amendment fees are non-refundable.